
Happy ‘Eid Mubarok 1433 H

Ngeliat mobil angkutan hilir mudik di depan mata itu rasanya sesuatu yah. Yang lain pada pulang kampung buat lebaran haji, ini cuma di rumah sendirian pula. Hmm.. I’m so sorry mom, dad, can’t go home for this ‘eid. I hope after I finished this job, I’ll be there, soon. Miss u mom, dad, ndut. 🙂

I guess, ketupat or lontong daun, rendang, gulai tauco have finish yet to your cooking, mom. I know, cause you have a spirit when your dougther at home. Hehe.. Maybe someone was stealed your son 😉 , so I think you will cook the simple thing. Couse only you and dady. I’m sorry mom, can’t go home now. 😦

Buat yang lebarannya ga pulang, dinikmatin aja suasana lebarannya di tempat orang. Jangan sampai dibawa galau yak. 😀

Happy ‘eid mubarok all. 🙂